She can be a nightmare if you don’t like waiting around for other people. Or, she can be a blessing if you enjoy tending to someone’s every need. Meanwhile, low-maintenance women are a rare breed.

What does it mean to be a low-maintenance woman?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a low-maintenance person as, “not tending to cause problems or demand attention” and “easy and pleasant to deal with or work with.” And as Urban Dictionary’s definition goes, a low-maintenance is “Someone who is easy to please, does not require constant pampering, attention or gifts or things done ’their way or no way.’” Though this definition describes men as low-maintenance and most women are high-maintenance, it’s not always the case — there are certainly examples of the opposite out there. RELATED: 7 Types Of Women That Men Run From (Every Single Time)

Is being called low-maintenance a compliment?

Most men use the term “low-maintenance” as a compliment to women they’re interested in because they want a girlfriend who doesn’t come with a lot of drama. Low-maintenance women are independent and won’t need their partner’s attention as much so it allows them to do whatever they want. There are also women who do label themselves as the cool girls who are “low maintenance.” Take it as a compliment, because being one means you’re laidback, drama-free, and would much rather focus on the important things in life: love, having fun, and spending time with the people who matter most. RELATED: 9 Types Of Women We’ll Never Admit To Being Jealous Of How do I know if I’m a low-maintenance woman? They’re definitely rare gems!

Take a look below for the 10 signs of a low-maintenance woman to find out if you’re one of them.

1. Low maintenance women prefer spending the night in, rather than going out on the town.

While she appreciates an occasional night out with her girlfriends, she’d much rather do something low-key. Ordering Chinese and watching a romantic comedy on Netflix is the perfect night for her.

2. Drama isn’t in a low maintenance woman’s vocabulary.

This is not the kind of girl who steals other people’s spotlight. Low-maintenance girls are drama-free, don’t crave attention, and don’t expect to be put on a pedestal. She doesn’t need all eyes on her, just her partner’s.

3. Indecision is a huge turn-off for low maintenance women.

A low-maintenance girlfriend doesn’t care which brand of sliced cheese you pick up from the grocery store. Just pick one already!

4. Makeup doesn’t even rank in the top 20 on a low maintenance woman’s list of priorities.

Perhaps, she enjoys testing out her lipsticks and eyeshadow, but she doesn’t consider makeup a must. She can easily take a quick trip to the store or coffee shop, no problem. And if she does use makeup, it’s a quick mascara application and she’s set. If her makeup smudges, it doesn’t really matter; she’ll end up wiping it off anyway.

5. Her toiletries are all store brand, not top-shelf.

Shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and face wash. Maybe she occasionally uses that fancy body creme from France, but for the most part, she’s content with drugstore brand. It all does the same thing, right? Plus, she’s saving major money.

6. Low maintenance women like the simple things in life.

Getting a diamond necklace from her partner is waaaay too over-the-top. She appreciates the thought you put into a gift, not the monetary value behind it. She’s genuinely grateful for what she has but, of course, a spa day doesn’t hurt, either.

7. Low maintenance women get ready in 10 minutes or less.

That’s probably faster than it takes for their partner to get ready.

8. Sweatpants and baggy shirts are essential.

Maybe she owns some nice jeans and blouses, but you’ll probably find her in sweatpants, leggings, or flowing dresses that don’t take long to put on. Call it bohemian chic if it makes you feel better.

9. A low maintenance woman is easy to please.

Being with a low-maintenance girlfriend is a piece of cake. She doesn’t require constant pampering or attention. She’s flexible when things don’t go her way and a “go with the flow” type of girl.

10. Low maintenance women still work on their relationships.

Even though she doesn’t ask for much, that’s no reason for their partner to slack! Since she gives their partner a break on 90 percent of things, they expect their partner to pull through on the 10 percent of times they need them. And that doesn’t mean cutting back on the romance, either. She may be low-maintenance, but she’s not a fool. RELATED: Research Shows The Type Of Women Who Marry CEOs & Doctors Samantha Maffucci is an editor for YourTango who has written hundreds of articles about relationships, trending news and entertainment, numerology and astrology. Follow her on Twitter for more.