It’s because the mystical Sagittarius Super Full Moon peaks today, bringing a necessity and desire for the truth more than anything else. What you are discovering, however, is that you need to become accustomed to your truth before you can speak it to others, and it is a process of growth unto itself. To be in a place to accept and honor your truth, you need to be okay with the fact that it will mean things need to change. Truth does not tolerate misalignment. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes The Week Of June 13 - 19, 2022 Instead, it acts as an accelerator, burning everything down around you so that one bud of hope with a promise of truth can flourish. This may very well be what you are ready for today as you exuberantly meet life with curiosity about what would be left if you did choose to burn everything else down. Burning it down implies a release or a letting go; you are no longer attached to keeping things as they are or letting secrets lie in hiding in the shadows. Fire is often viewed as destructive. Its true force is purification. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love, June 2022 Sagittarius energy is purifying you and your life as it warms the atmosphere around you today, kicking your drive to speak and live your truth into full force. There is peace about it because as much as you may have tried to avoid it, you had known that the moment will always arrive when you need to face it. The biggest difference is that you no longer fear what that means or even what it may bring. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius is bringing some positive karmic retributions to the vibe of today alongside Neptune in Pisces, reminding you that you must take a stand for what it is you dream of as only you are responsible for the creation of it. Let go of what is heavy, and do not be afraid to light that one candle even if everything else seems bleak because all it ever takes is just a little bit of truth to break through any darkness.
The best horoscopes go to Sagittarius, Gemini, and Pisces on Tuesday, June 14, 2022.
Here’s what’s happening for them, according to astrology.
1. Sagittarius
(November 22 - December 21) This is your annual Full Moon, and it also happens to be a super moon. Super moons are closer to earth, so they appear bigger and bring more intense energy. You will feel this even more strongly because it is falling in your sign. As they move through the day, reflect on the Sagittarius New Moon on December 4, 2021. Look at the themes that were present at this time, including recent developments that took place during Venus retrograde in Capricorn. Now, see what direction things have gone since then. During the past six months, there was progress or even resolution on the themes present during that time, and now as this Full Moon rises, everything has reached a peak. This is the time to look at whether it is time to create a new intention or if something needs to be released so that you can have a brand-new beginning. Many of the themes of Sagittarius and Gemini are me versus we, what is in front of you versus what is all around you. It is the small vision of responsibility against the larger scope of purpose. Your romantic relationships may be coming up for review around this time, but trust that it is only to allow more expansion and love into your life. Things are shifting. It would be best if you allowed them to. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make The Best Friends
2. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20) With Mercury having just shifted into your sign yesterday, you feel like an incredibly positive shift in your energy has just occurred. Expect a greater boost to your physical body as well as feel more optimistic about everything in your life right now. Your thoughts are clear and more in balance and alignment with your truth rather than letting wounds project your fears. Embrace this shift as it is part of a bigger one in which you can move into a new chapter in your life where you are surrounded by more love. You have been through a lot in your life, but it is time to release that as it all serves a purpose, part of which is guiding you to this very moment that you find yourself within. As Mercury in Gemini is asking you to embody more of your truth, the Sagittarius Super Full Moon is illuminating themes in your romantic relationships. Take time to reflect on things, especially those near the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021. It may be time to allow yourself to go all in on a new relationship, or at the very least, to stop expecting that the other shoe is destined to drop. You deserve to be happy. To love in a way that is free of chaos or drama. A big part of that, though, is recognizing what you have already created. RELATED: How To Manifest Anything In 17 Seconds
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20) As a mutable sign in astrology, you are more affected by the energy of today and the Sagittarius Super Full Moon. A mutable sign represents flexibility, adaptability, and the desire to seek and invite change into your life. You are also a water sign. So much of this energy is something that you feel even more strongly as you move through your life and recognize the difference in how you approach life versus how others do. Gemini energy highlights themes in your home and committed relationship while Sagittarius brings up career and even soul purpose themes. Look for where these two energies first collided back on December 4th, 2021, at the New Moon in Sagittarius. Contemplate what was happening within your love life and career and what has manifested during the past six months for you. It is time that something comes full circle. Do not be afraid to look at the value of what this Moon is showing you. Whether it is regarding yourself or those around you, what you value most should be receiving the most from you, and of course, if you are not feeling valued, that is something to address. The Moon will bring changes and illumination into the areas of your relationships and home life. Please make sure you fully embrace what it brings into your life as much as you do the financial abundance from your career. RELATED: Which Astrology Matches Are Perfect For Love, By His Mars & Her Venus Zodiac Sign Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.