Mercury is the planet that rules all things related to communication, including how you think and speak. When it is in the zodiac sign of Virgo, where it rules, it asks us to review all the details in order to plan for success.  This is how the intentions you considered under the New Moon will manifest and are brought to fruition.  You must step into a place of co-creating with the universe so that you are putting just as much effort into change as you are hoping the divine forces will as well.  Use this energy to begin to focus on what it means to work on manifesting your intentions.  RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For August 2022 Regardless of what area of your life has been under the microscope lately, a plan is not a guarantee everything will flow as you had expected. Plans provide you with a map of flexibility that will allow you to continually point your sails in the direction of success.   Planning can often feel overwhelming as there are details and things to figure out.  But this is part of the maturity that is associated with executive functioning in which you can take the reins of your own life and handle matters as they come up which sends the message to the universe that you are in the place to handle what it is you say that you want.   As you progress through life it can feel futile to plan because things rarely work out; however, there are two factors at play here.  One is that there is a difference between you creating a plan based on the integrity that flows within your life.  The other is that you experience denial or ego which will work against the direction your life will take. One will naturally find success and the other will feel like a never-ending exhausting marathon trying to reach it.  Today provides an opportunity to think about what you need and how things will work out for you. So, take time to reflect on what it is you are working on right now.  Are you making substantial changes or growing? Whatever it may be, look at the intentions you set to move forward and then sit down and plan how to turn them into reality.   It does not matter if it is followed perfectly or not, but only that you find a place to begin because the only way to utterly fail is to never start.  

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Thursday, August 4, 2022:

1. Virgo  

(August 23 - September 22)  Mercury moving into your sign means stepping back into your power and harnessing your ability to tackle everything whether big or small. It does not mean necessarily doing it all alone; however, you need to make sure that during this planning process you let others help or step in for you. With Mercury in your zodiac sign, you will be able to see things that missed before, making this an exciting time for love, money, or business. Use this energy to look at things logically, and strategically, and then decide how to move forward using only the pieces that you have. You have a great deal of energy available to you, so it is not only your care of details that are significant but your ability to be able to make things better. Make sure that you are using this energy for yourself instead of trying to fix other people’s lives. It is wonderful to help others, but there is a very thin line between helping and hindering. During this time, you can tap into some great ideas to make some long-term plans come to fruition and see that you have always had immense creator energy. Nothing is off the table; you need to believe in yourself to make it happen.   RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Loyal Partners, Ranked From Most To Least Faithful

2. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20)  Mercury in Virgo will stir up all sorts of thoughts and plans related to your romantic life. Mercury rules how you think and then how you communicate with them whether verbally or through text. Right now, there are some major pieces of your romantic puzzle that you are looking to figure out so that you can have greater clarity for the future. The best thing that you can do is take your time in putting it all together. As much as you have a gift for dreaming and imagining the best possible scenario it is equally important to be able to ground yourself so that you can see things as they are. Do not let your dreams carry you away from what is right in front of you. Instead, use what is real to figure out what you need and most importantly what you envision this part of your life looks like. It is important to put yourself front and center as you begin to understand what has been holding you back and what has been contributing to things seeming confusing or unable to be manifested. Once you start making plans on what is, then there is no limit to what can be.   RELATED: The Most Narcissistic Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked From Most To Least

3. Scorpio  

(October 23 - November 21)  The Moon shifts into your sign today just as Mercury settles down to business in Virgo. This will collide your emotional feelings with the logical plans that you decide to take because of them. Being in your feelings is something that you are accustomed to but being able to plan or move forward is often something that gets lost in your own depths. Write down how you are feeling about whatever area of your life has been in focus lately. It may be romantic as all that Taurus energy will inherently be bringing change to how and even who you love. Write down your feelings though and then write down a list of how you want to feel. Using the difference between the two write down one solution for each. If you are feeling stuck, what is one way that you can bring more freedom into your life? If it is a lack of companionship, look for one interaction that can give you that feeling of spending time with someone valuable. There is always a way to achieve your goals, even if they are emotional, you just must be willing to be flexible in the means.   RELATED: The Most Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.