We may not expect ‘radical change’ to happen on this day, and yet, the transit is sort of a setup for this kind of transition. Our main player, today, is the Moon opposite Mercury, which will effortlessly create uncomfortable communications, and the Moon sextile Uranus on top of that, to ensure that we don’t understand ‘why’ any of this is happening. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Love Horoscope For August 2022 The majority of issues will revolve around love and relationships, today. There’s a lot of questioning of motives, as well as a few paranoid moments of suspicion that will take place today. It’s not that we don’t necessarily trust someone in our lives, but we will be feeling compelled to start a fight with them, for reasons we ourselves aren’t even sure of. We just feel scrappy, as if we can’t relax until we cause a little trouble.     Some of the zodiac signs may find themselves confronting their loved ones on topics that were at one point considered taboo within the relationship. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For August 15 – 21, 2022 As in ‘you don’t go there’. Well, today, many of us will ‘go there’ and while it may be scary or a minefield of ‘who knows what will happen,’ we will still be able to tackle whatever comes our way. And, because these transits are so communication-oriented, we may come to learn some very positive lessons from today’s experience.

It’s a rough day for these three zodiac signs who end up with the roughest horoscopes on August 13, 2022. 

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) You’ve always known that there was a rock bottom that, once you hit it, you can only go up from there. Today brings you a taste of rock bottom, and it will be presented to you in the form of being told something you don’t want to hear, by someone you respect and care for. Seeing the bold-faced truth so up close and personal makes you feel like tearing off your own skin; you weren’t expecting to be ‘revealed’ in such a way, and yet here you are, made to confront a reality that you thought you could avoid. During Moon sextile Uranus, you will have to take responsibility for something you’ve done and it won’t be that bad, Cancer. It’s just that it’s something you weren’t expecting and now you have to deal with it. All will work itself out, and you’ll probably end up feeling a lot better once your ‘secret’ is out in the open. RELATED: The Healthiest Choices Your Zodiac Sign Should Make, According To Astrology

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Today brings you hardships due to expectations gone unmet. You have been trying the patience of someone in your life; you want them to react to you and you’ll do anything to get a rise out of them. Your behavior comes across as immature and manipulative, and during Moon sextile Uranus, you won’t be seen as pure, or good, or caring towards this person—you’ll be seen as bratty and pushy and worthy of being let go of. Because you don’t know how or when to stop, you dig yourself into your own grave, so to speak, and on this day, you’ll come to know that you’ve done it once again. You’ve managed to lose yet another friend simply because you couldn’t work with them; you had to take over their life, their mind, their time, and when they didn’t let you, you felt rejected, dejected and angry. You are your own worst enemy today, Leo. It’s time to learn this lesson so that you don’t have to learn it again and again as time goes on. RELATED: The Laziest Zodiac Signs (& The Most Hardworking Ones), According To Astrology

3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) What makes this day rough for you is that you refuse to learn a simple lesson, and that is that not everyone around you is a simpering moron who believes everything you say. You are under the impression that you’re a golden god; you feel like you’ve been gifted with some kind of special magical powers and that your seduction skills are flawless. You are, in your mind, the world’s greatest lover, and little do you know that there are people conspiring behind your back, gathering information on you so that they can take you down. During the Moon sextile Uranus, you will incur the wrath of past lovers whom you’ve devastated with your lies, and what you haven’t taken into consideration is that they were not simpering morons, but smart people who were very hurt by you. And now, they, en masse, are here for their reckoning. Get ready, Libra, because here it comes. RELATED: The Fascinating Way Each Zodiac Sign Tells Lies Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.