However, if you find greatness in work, focus, trial, and error and making the right kinds of mistakes, then count this week as one of the bests. Having everything handed to us sounds good in theory, but real and true satisfaction comes from knowing we put in the effort and we ended up with the perfect results. This week is about working hard and getting everything we need…because we made it happen ourselves. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love Without Commitment During The Moon Conjunct Venus On September 25, 2022 This week, September 26 through October 2 is going to be great for everyone, but certain signs will help you to enjoy the thrill that comes with making one’s own success. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Fling Becomes Exclusive During Venus Opposite Neptune On September 24 - 26, 2022 We’re working with many transits this week that can add to our work ethic and our communication skills. If we are clear-headed and set goals, then we will achieve what we set out to do. We have the Moon conjunction, Mercury, to start the week off with, and that’s going to set the fast-paced, efficient success of the week in general. As we move through the New Moon in Libra, we will find our direction, and with Mars in Gemini, we will feel very strongly about what it is that we’re striving for. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On September 25, 2022 As the Moon enters Sagittarius, we’ll feel as though it’s all worth it, and that WE are indeed worth it. Great feelings of self-esteem will arise during this week. What challenges us this week is met with fierceness and self-confidence. For some of us zodiac signs, this is the week where we accomplish more than we ever thought was possible.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes Starting September 26 - October 2, 2022

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You are going to make the best of this last week of September come hell or high water. You feel great this week like your health is radiant and brimming over. This gives you inspiration and confidence; you feel like you look good as well, and that always helps the situation out for you, Aries. If you’ve recently overcome something traumatic, you can rest assured that your natural ability to heal will kick in big time and that whatever comes your way is something you can handle. Creativity will be evident for you, as you will get involved in more than one project. You like to be challenged and you love to prove to the world that you are multitalented and strong. Your charisma is going to sway the masses this week, and even you will get a chuckle over how positive it all feels. If you suffered last week, then fuggedaboutit! This week has you completely redeemed. RELATED: What Your Karmic Debt Number Means & How To Find It

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) You’re not someone who likes to concentrate on just one thing, but with Moon sextile Venus influencing your charts by the week’s end, your mind will be on love and romance. This, you feel, is your home base; if you can feel secure in your love life, then you can deal with everything out there. This week brings you a hassle-free existence where not only are you able to be creative and productive, but you are also able to have a freakin’ blast with your romantic partner. Nothing stops you, Taurus, and if someone even tries, you will banish them with your positive energy ray-gun. Those who are bummers don’t stand a chance around you this week, as you really can’t be bothered with those who cramp your style or dull your shine. You are just TOO SHINY, and come to think of it — you know it! Awesome sunshine. Enjoy your week, Sweet T. RELATED: 15 Rare Signs That Reveal You’re In A True Partnership

3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) The end of September has always signified happy times for you. Libra Sun always treats you right, but with the Moon in Sagittarius on high, you feel like a million bucks. Nothing bothers you this week, and you recognize what a blessing that is, as you are oftentimes very, very bothered. Yet, this week has other things in store for you, and as it appears, those things are all positive and productive. Getting into the Fall season is what you love; you want to be active, and social…you want to escape the dreariness of whatever it is that you’ve just endured. You feel like a brand new person this week, and rather than fight it, you go with it, all the way. Do yourself a favor, Libra, and set aside some time for your creative madness, as this week will have you coming up with outstanding and original ideas to plunge into. Be the artist you are and create your reality! RELATED: How The Universe Lets You Know You’re On The Right Track (Finally!) Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.