We are devoted and sincere, and where this turns into luck is in the idea that the person we love will get to see us in rare and wonderful form. We are here today to show our best side, and while that implies a less-than-the-best side, we’re not concentrating on that today. We’re here for the love and devoted displays of sincere affection. We are in touch with our feelings today, and while that might seem scary to some, there are certain signs of the Zodiac who spend their whole lives trying to be true to themselves. When we accept who we are, we can easily share our good nature with others while at the same time attracting the same kind of people: honest, open, and self-accepting. Ideally, this is the only kind of relationship that can last; the coupling of two people who believe in themselves and accept themselves for who they are.     And so, with the attitude of wanting to show our love, we will use the best of the Mercury transit’s ability to allow the flow of words for expression. Today brings both the listener and the speaker closer together. We do not mince words today, nor do we play passive-aggressive games with the people we are in relationships with. This day bypasses the usual dysfunctional side and gets right to the core of what we want our partners to know, hear or think about us. Today brings honesty in communication; as they say, “the truth will set you free.”

Here are which three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on Wednesday, July 27, 2022.

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) You know what you should do, and that is to speak up and say what’s on your mind. You are in a situation with your partner, and ‘something’s gotta give, as they say. What’s ‘gotta give’ is your truth, and you feel particularly compassionate today, so you might want to use some of that truth to help the person you love. They have been waiting on something, and it could be your decision to do something important with them. Moon conjunct Mercury puts you in the right place at the right time to tell your person yes, or no. Today also gives you the courage to do just that; in doing so, you will bring great relief to the person waiting for your decision. Your choice, no matter what it is, will help the relationship and bring the two of you to a new level of understanding. You are both ready for this, and it’s time to rock. Speak your mind now, Taurus. RELATED: The Most Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Every now and then, you feel so confident that you can get your point across that you do so, and you tend to get the predicted response, which is a good one. Today is one such day, and during Moon conjunct with Mercury, you’ll be able to properly say something to the one you love that will give you the success you have wished for. Today is a good day for you and your partner — or date — mainly because the communication is polite and honest. There is no reason to force your opinion down someone’s throat today, nor is there a reason to hold back. What works for you today is that you will think things through before speaking up, and it’s in your kind and compassionate approach that you will find success. Your love life is about to become that much better due to your ability to express yourself in a kindhearted manner. No bullying today; only sweet, calm, effective speech. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Great Wives, Ranked From Best To Worst

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) If you are someone who has been in a relationship for a long time, then today may prove to shake it up a bit. Couples tend to fall into lifestyle patterns when they spend lengthy amounts of time together, and there is definitely a need for diversion; today, diversion comes in the purest form: you express your needs to the person you are involved with. What’s different about today, thanks to Moon conjunct Mercury, is that what you want to say isn’t forceful or chock full of ultimatums; you can say what’s on your mind gently, and your tone is nothing short of compassionate and sweet. You will find that this approach really gets your partner, as they may have expected something a little more hostile and confrontative. Nope, not today. Today is for skipping the hostility and going right for the lovingkindness. Success is inevitable with this attitude. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.