As the week progresses, we transit through Sun Sextile Moon and Moon Trine Uranus. We’ll be wrapping the week up with a Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces, and Mercury Opposition Uranus. While there are some challenging aspects to the conditions here, for many of us, this could prove to be the exact challenge we need to make progress in our lives. We may be tested but for three of the zodiac signs, those tests most assuredly will be passed with flying colors. RELATED: Weekly Love Horoscope For November 8 - 14 2021 We’re looking at a week focused on making progress. Improvements in love and in career are about to become realities. This second week of November brings us closer to our goals and allows us to envision new horizons. We are inspired and ready.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week. November 8 - 14, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

During this week you’ll be feeling particularly empathetic to others, which may shock you.  You are not ordinarily concerned about what others think or feel, but you’ll like the idea that you are capable of being sensitive in this way. You never really give yourself a chance to be soft; you’re always on the defense, but the truth is that your defenses will be down as Moon Conjunction Neptune transits by the end of the week, leaving you open and vulnerable. You, being the strong and mighty Aries that you are, will take this vulnerability and learn from it. So this is how the other half lives? The idea of feeling what others feel makes you feel knowledgeable, equipped; You will show kindness in ways you may not have in the past, and it will feel good. Give it all, receive it tenfold. That’s the way the universe works. RELATED: The Most Empathic Zodiac Signs Who Feel Absolutely Everything (And Those Who Feel Nothing)

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You will be feeling especially keen during all of the many phases of the Moon this week, and your intuition and insight will be on high. This kind of sensitivity will allow you to see something that you may have missed — something important. In business or in the workplace, you will be noticed for your efforts — this is how Sun Sextile Moon will reflect back to you. You may anticipate praise and congratulations for your excellent work. Gratitude will flow easily from you, which will make you feel humbled and honored. It’s a good week for you to reach out to old friends. You may also be inspired to set up travel dates and cultural gatherings. You will feel at ease with friends and romantic partners, and your social life will bring you much joy and laughter. RELATED: Sensitive Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most To Least Emotional

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

With the Scorpio Sun Trine Moon, you’ll be experiencing a feeling of overall contentment. You may have just dodged a bullet, so to speak, as you will realize that you are no longer burdened by something that really brought you down. This could be a relationship or a friendship that absolutely had to end. There are no tears here, though — this is a week of freedom and the recognition of a brand new day. You will be feeling refreshed and recharged during this week, which will vault you into a higher realm of consciousness. Yes, you can rise above anything, it seems, and knowing this gives you strength and courage. You can pat yourself on the back for getting this far, as there is still so much further you can go.  RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Make Great Wives, Ranked  Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda