True love might be something we find in a person - but it might also be something we feel for a place, or an animal, or even a child - true love does not necessarily mean romantic or sexual love - it means TRUE love, the kind that runs deep.
Which zodiac signs will find true love during the Sun sextile Mars starting October 10, 2021?
Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius are the three luckiest zodiac signs when it comes to the love department beginning this Sunday. Our automatic response to the phrase ’true love’ is to associate it with romantic, sexual love - as in the fling that turns into the infatuation that turns into the committed relationship and the entire shebang that comes along with that - ’til death do us part. We really like that whole romance thing - it’s what gives us purpose, but it’s also what sets us up for some of the biggest disappointments of our lives. Can we be happy finding true love in a location, or in a vocation? Must it always be found in another person? RELATED: Sign Up For Our Free Zodiac And Horoscope Newsletter To Get Horoscopes + More DAILY Perhaps that’s our limit; maybe being human is about those limits, because we certainly do keep on returning to the ideal of true love and finding it. Sun Sextile Mars certainly has the ability to move us in that direction.
Zodiac Signs Who Find True Love During The Sun Sextile Mars Starting October 10, 2021:
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
You haven’t really thought about the idea of true love being found in something other than a person, and you don’t expect to start rethinking this any time soon. Nope, you’re hooked into the idea that true love must come as a partner, and that you need to nail that partner down in a contract that demands their loyalty and attention until the day you die. And why shouldn’t you feel this way, Virgo? It’s your life and you are the boss of you - so, if finding true love is what sets the standard, then you are all about that, and with Sun Sextile Mars, you’ll not only have the confidence and drive to attract to you that perfect love - you’ll also have the power of Mars behind you, which will make you come off as strong and independent. Mars helps you, Virgo - it makes you appear less needy, and that’s good because your true love is out there, and they want you - not your baggage. RELATED: 25 Best Constellation Tattoo Ideas For Virgo Zodiac Signs
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You’ve been doing well lately, Libra, and that is why it should be quite easy for you to attract someone of your own kind - which is basically the only kind of person you want in your life. You’ve come to know this about yourself - if love is true, then it’s going to look, feel and act just like you do. The truth is, you’re in love with yourself - but not in the ridiculous way. Your self love is exactly what’s keeping you going. Your self love is at the heart of why people are attracted to you, now if you can only design it in such a way where you attract someone just like you, which is possible, under Sun Sextile Mars. That person exists, right now, and it’s up to you to see them. No, they are not exactly like you, but they are close enough for you to want to be near. Wake up, Libra - that person is right there with you. Can you see them? Are you aware they exist? They do. RELATED: 5 Strange Myths & Facts About The Libra Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don’t Believe In Astrology)
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
True love is what you’ve always wanted, but how to define it? Is it in a person - someone who isn’t there now, but will be someday? In your case, Aquarius, that person is right there, right now - it just depends upon your ability to see them, as you cannot, at the moment. This means that there is someone in your life, right now, who can live up to your greatest romantic expectations - it’s just that you have to be able to identify who this person is. It might be your mate - or it might be your mate’s best friend, which could prove to be tricky. The thing is, you want so much less than people think, and you are very open to being with someone who isn’t magical or ‘perfect’. This attitude is what’s going to get you what you want, if true love is indeed what you want. Sun Sextile Mars makes YOU glow, and perhaps that’s all you need right now, in order to bring this person out of the woodworks and over to your world. RELATED: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aquarius Man Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda