What do the tarot cards reveal about the 2022 new year, by zodiac sign?

This reading is no small potatoes, folks. This is the first Tarot reading for each individual sign of the Zodiac for the year 2022, and 2022 is going to be a year with the vibration of the number 6, which adds a bit more intensity to your yearly reading. So fasten those seatbelts because this is most definitely going to be a bumpy ride. And, of course, by ‘bumpy’ we mean absolutely fantastic in every way possible. Right? We’re going to pull one card for each sign. Such simplicity can only lead us to direct and succinct insight. The Tarot can be incredibly intricate, and the reader must be able to interpret and divine the information within, as one uses a divining rod to seek out unseen water. We have been through so much. These last few years have both traumatized us and shown us how strong we can be. We have lost so much, yet, still, we persist. RELATED: 2022 Yearly Love Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs This is the human spirit, and no matter how trampled on, no matter how degraded we get or how uninspired our surroundings may be, we always, and I mean ALWAYS rise above. We’ve all come to despise our own species. How many times a day do we hear someone say, “Ugh, people.” Well, we’ve become ‘ugh, people’, but is this permanent? Must we remain ‘ugh, people’? It’s time to up our game, folks. Let’s make 2022 the year where we turn ‘ugh, people’ into ‘wow, we did it!’

2022 One Card Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Tarot Card: The Hanged Man, reversed Sounds like a doozy of a card to get to represent your entire year, but let’s break it down. This card, reversed, means that you will be getting more into politics and social causes during the year. It will shake your life up and it may put you in the mindset of having to defend your ideas and way of life. You are doing this because you want the tension; you work well under pressure and in all honesty, animosity and conflict are stepping stones for you; you do your best work when there’s a warlike attitude. This year should prove to you that you are indeed a very pointed, very astute fighter who gets the job done — always. RELATED: 5 Combative Zodiac Signs Who Are Always Starting Fights


(April 20 - May 20) Tarot Card: Eight of Swords While this card doesn’t present an all-too-giddy image, the meaning goes deeper. What you can expect this year is the idea of focusing on your health, both mental and physical. This is the year you decide to do a complete overhaul on your health, you’ll be tending to your body, going to the gym, eating well. You feel you need this healthful change in lifestyle, and as the year progresses, you’ll notice that your internal ‘healthy’ attitude will start to parlay in other fields, like work and love. Your good feeling about yourself will turn you into a magnet for others, and you will be looked at as someone who demands and deserves respect. This is your ‘big respect’ year, Taurus. So happy for you. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs With A Bad Attitude


(May 21 - June 20) Tarot Card: Four of Cups This card, for you, represents the foresight to go beyond last year’s limits. You have a choice before you. You can accept the weariness that you’ve come to know as your North Star emotion, or you can make a firm decision to change your ways. This extends to how you think of your job, and your love life. Something started to become a habit for you, and because you kept at it, it became ’life as you know it.’ You are not ordinary by any means, Gemini, and yet you’ve let yourself slip into mediocrity. This card is there to wake you up, to let you know that you have this new year to get yourself together. There is hope now, and hope requires action. This is your life, Gemini. LIVE IT! RELATED: The Most Popular Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked


(June 21 - July 22) Tarot Card: Page of Swords This card will put you on the fast track to intelligent choices, this year, Cancer. You will be making intense decisions, and in order to do the right thing, you’ll have to educate yourself on the topics. This is a year of higher education and learning for you. You will be able to focus well and as you gain clarity on all that interests you, you will be able to parlay your expertise as money-taking. Opportunities in business will avail themselves to you all year long. You will have taken yourself from naive player to top-level executive. You mean business this year and everyone knows it. Nobody can stop you and your determination is what’s going to see you through the year. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Open Up Easily Vs. Those Who Reveal Nothing


(July 23 - August 22) Tarot Card: Ten of Cups Whatever it is you went through last year, it’s paved the way for an excellent and prosperous 2022. The Ten of Cups is one of the kindest, most promising cards in the deck, and this is the card that represents your year. Any number of positive things could happen to you, and you might change your location, upgrade so to speak. Your home life will take on a very loving tone. Family and friends alike will see in you a person they can trust, and you’ve worked hard on being trustworthy. You may have suffered in 2021, and you now have the emotional battle scars to show for it, but you rose above your obstacles and now you’re in line for the winning position. It’s true Leo material, all the way, and you should be overjoyed to receive this card. RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Deal With Change


(August 23 - September 22) Tarot Card: The Devil, reversed When such a card as The Devil, reversed shows up to represent a person’s entire year, we have to pay close attention to the details. What’s really going on here is that you need to stay close to those whom you love and trust, as well as to treat your own self with such respect that you stay healthy and unencumbered by bad habits, especially in eating. This card warns of bad behavior. The kind that can be avoided. You will fluctuate back and forth this year, Virgo, and you will always seek the highest level, but at times, your lower psyche will demand things of a self-destructive nature. Please be careful - do not give up hope if one thing goes wrong. This card is begging you to take the higher road, always. RELATED: Zodiac Signs With The Highest Romantic Standards, Ranked From Most To Least


(September 23 - October 22) Tarot Card: Death, reversed When the Death card shows up, everyone panics - for no reason, as there is rarely any death involved in the Death card. Reversed, we’re looking at a year of neglect and laziness. This card is your wake-up call and it’s telling you that you are wasting too much time. You are under the impression that we live forever; you have spent too much time away from that which is important to you, and you’ve started to wane, in terms of your own energy. This card tells you to get involved, to act, to cause momentum in your own life. It’s saying to you, “You’re not dead! Get up and go do something before it’s too late!” There is no death here, nor is there danger - there is only the hint that if you are alive, then you should live. RELATED: The High Maintenance Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked From Most Demanding To Most Easy-Going


(October 23 - November 21) Tarot Card: The World What a fantastic card to receive. You can expect many dreams to come true this year, Scorpio. In a way, drawing this card presents the idea of the world ‘being yours.’ Expect to travel and to gain supreme knowledge on your adventures. This is not the year for letting things pass you by. In fact, you’ll be more involved this year in the things that interest you than you were in 2021. Things will not only feel exciting and new to you, but they will also be there inviting you in. You are a necessary component in the making of wondrous experiences, and that’s exactly what you’ll be having this year. RELATED: What Gets Each Zodiac Sign Excited About A New Relationship


(November 22 - December 21) Tarot Card: Four of Wands, reversed There’s a certain kind of sublime balance that you’ll be achieving this year, Sagittarius. This is a card that represents beauty and harmony in family life, love, business, you name it. It’s all good here, and the meaning is the same, even when reversed (phew!) There will be much enlightenment taking place for you this year, as you set your intentions towards the spiritual. You will be happy and proud to show your efforts in the form of work and creative endeavors. Perhaps you will even make a resolution to not let people bother you, as your general mood for the year is easy going, with a goal of peace. Let there be beauty! RELATED: The Most Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked


(December 22 - January 19) Tarot card: King of Swords Another top-notch card that comes with the promise of authority and action. You will be taking on new responsibilities. You want the challenge, but you also want the distraction. You’ve always felt best when you are productive, and so, this year you will be creating new and expansive financial opportunities for yourself. You feel alive when you’re working, and you want that work to produce excellence — only. Month after month, you will experience growth, and while this kind of progress always comes with conflict or moments of tension, you will be able to use all moments as a building material for new and brilliant projects. RELATED: The 6 Most Productive Zodiac Signs


(January 20 - February 18) Tarot Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed You will be throwing yourself into creativity this year, Aquarius, and good for you for being so brave. What this card in its reversed state represents is the need to watch yourself while you’re getting involved with all this creativity. Specifically, this card warns against competition and jealousy. What you do is excellent; you’re the best in your field, but you may have to face facts. There are others who are equally as good as you and if they have the gumption to get the job when you might have been too lazy to do it, then who gets the job? They do. This card says to step up to the plate and act on what’s inside your mind because what is inside your mind is outstanding, helpful, and amazing. RELATED: 7 Fearless Zodiac Signs Who Aren’t Afraid To Bravely Chase Their Dreams


(February 19 - March 10) Tarot Card:Eight of Pentacles Let’s just put it this way, you’re going to be one helluva busy bee this year. Work calls and you are on it. It’s a good change up too because you’ve suffered during the pandemic years and work was lost and causing great calamity at home. Now, your luck has reversed itself and you’ll be able to look forward to work, work, and more work, but keep this in mind too - the Eight of Pentacles means good money and a great opportunity. Debt will be erased this year and you’ll be able to start ramping up your savings once again. Ka-ching! RELATED: Which Career Fits My Zodiac Sign? The Best Job For You, According To Astrology Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda